v0.1.9.0 - To the gym!

1-9, the gym level is free to play - it should unlock automatically for anyone who has completed 1-8. GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS

  • Positional audio has been enabled, it had always been my plan to get this working correctly, but so as to avoid delays in the audio update I kept it to a simple L/L+R/R set-up. Now it officially supports pan and fall-off, with audio from the levels relative central to the monitor and audio from the game world relative to the centre of the room. I may still tweak this in the future but I think it was well worth it, especially getting the pan between ears working as I had originally wanted it to, but ran out of time. Because of this change, I may spend some time on a minor release to reposition a lot of the audio from previous levels, so it really feels like it is coming from the right position


  • Fixed a bug where the cupboards on switch 1-3 were clickable even when paused/clickable through the UI


The Operator_0_1_9_0.zip Play in browser
10 days ago

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