
  • Expanded how the camera functions to allow for HTML5-based resizing
  • Added a mobile-friendly UI to enable easy panning and zooming across various mobile devices, note: some tweaking may still be required e.g. some item hitboxes may be a little small on mobile, this is likely just the first change of many to enable mobile support, but for the most part it is playable!
  • Changed the intro message to reflect your selected control scheme

Bugfixes [Potential Level Solution Spoilers!]

  • Fixed a bug where the posters would become out-of-sync in their IDs between the save file and active game, causing random images to appear in the posters
  • Fixed a bug where you could interact with screen objects before the screen was turned on
  • Fixed a bug where you couldn't cycle through ending scenes by clicking anywhere, only on the animation itself
  • Fixed a bug impacting mobile browsers that enforce full-screen landscape where the game was not rescaling correctly
  • 1-1 Fixed a bug where the vase would sometimes freeze 
  • 1-2 Fixed a bug where the drill would float in place 
  • 1-2 Fixed a bug where the final animation would not start 
  • 1-3 Fixed a bug where the speech bubble would appear on the wrong side of the screen
  • 1-4 Fixed a flicking screen bug
  •  1-5 Fixed a bug where the AC unit would not animate 
  • 1-6 Fixed a bug where the sink plug does not animate correctly


  • Ongoing testing of a bug in 1-2 where the condom hitbox is disabled - discussion


The Operator_0_1_6_1.zip Play in browser
8 days ago

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